Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Office Snacks

When I first got into business, Contractors gave booze around the Christmas time. As guy who had just quit drinking I found this ironic, where were they when I was drinking. But as times change Contractors started giving cookies, popcorn, peanuts (Virginia Diner the best). Now when I was not watching what I ate I would be in the kitchen grabbing something all the time.

Today we received I large tin of popcorn, a slab of almond chocolate and a tin of peanuts. Bad news! Someone opened the popcorn and I found myself grabbing a handful every time I passed the kitchen. On the third time I figured since I am keeping a calorie count I would like at the label and see how many calories there are in a handful. So I grab a normal handful and place the popcorn in a cup and it came out to just about one cup. The label said 55 calories per cup. I had 165 calories without thinking, which is about 8% of my calorie count per day. I looked at the peanuts 190 calories in three tablespoons. In three tablespoons that not enough to really get a good taste of them and the chocolate bar who knows what the count it that is.

So off I walked telling myself no way no more. But as I was walking out the door bang a handful of popcorn. Damn office gifts, right up there with the evil supermarket. Hold on there is a common denominator in this and it is me, you know this journaling stuff sucks


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