Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Lately I have been going back to the old habits, staying up late and sleeping later than I should. The general guideline state that I should be getting about 8 hours of sleep. Lately I have been getting about 5 to 6 hours and it my own damn fault. There is no reason that I need to stay-up and watch TV to the end of the show. Sure I like Charlie Rose, but he is now on cable at 8 pm instead of PBS at 12. But no I stay up to watch him late at night.

When I was over 400 lbs I could not get more than 2 hours of sound sleep. I looked into it and think I have/had sleep apnea but as the weight started coming off I got longer and longer periods of sleep. I felt more rested in the morning and not tired during the day. But now while I have longer sleep periods I find myself sleeping less.

Every morning I tell myself I will get to bed early and I find I am up late. This has got to stop, time to break the habit. Some people say that it takes 30 days to form a pattern and 90 days to form a habit, so I guess I will have to make an effort on this one.

So here is my commitment get at least 8 hour of sleep a night!!

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